ספר טוב – מבית היוצר של  הוצאת ראובן מס

קוראים אותך לספר – כמאה שנות מצויינות – משנת 1927 ועד היום

כרגע באתר 1 ספרים
Trance - front

The Trance of Terror

Psyco-Religious FundaMentalism; Roots and Remedies; A first study that scrutinizes the psycological mechanisms that social systems use to create the "robotic"

person; translation of "mi-mikdash le-Midrash", dealing with religious and Judaic terms



Forward………………………………………………………………….. …………1

Introduction……………………………………………………………. …………..5

    Section One: Roots of Funda-mentalist Psychology

Chapter One: Mechanisms of Funda-mentalist Psychology…….………………16

       The Myth of the Authoritative Personality………………………….…………..21

Chapter Two: Psycho-missionarism and Funda-mentalism……………………..24

       Manipulative Pyscho-Missionary Activity………………………….……………25

       Psychoanalysis as Manipulative Psycho-Missionary Activity…………………..29

       Violent Psycho-Missionary Activity…………………………………………….35

Chapter Three: Mantric Repetitiveness in Prayer and Music……………………41

        Music as Trance or Ecstatic Experience…………………………………………45

         “Ecstasy” and “Trance”…………………………………………………………49

        Ecstasy, Trance, and Poetic Prophecy…………………………………………..51

        Messianism as a Psychology of Forecasting or of Vision………………………56

  1. Fantasy and Motivation……………………………………………………..59

  2. Delusion and Hope……………………………………………….…………61

Chapter Four: Hypnosis and “Trance”……………………………………………66

        Automatism or Auto-nomism……………………………………….…………..72

        Trance-Dance in Israel…………………………………………………………..76

Chapter Five: “Political Correctness” as Funda-Mentalism……………………..82

        The “Peace” Mantra as the Embodiment of Political Correctness….…………..88

        Da’at Torah as a Mantra of Political Correctness………………………………91

                       Section 2: Uncertainty as the Only Form of Certainty


Chapter Six: Towards Achieving Balance between Miqdash and Midrash…….. 99

          Advertisements and Democratic Openness…………………………….………107

            Imperialistic “Missionarism” and Contractive Conversion……………………109

Chapter Seven: Skepticism (Safqanut) vs. Certitude (Pasqanut)…………………114

         Decisive “Explanations” as compared to Skeptic “Understanding”……………117

         Wavering between Oy-ing and I-ing……………………………………………119

         Al Tiqre Exegesis as Gam v’Gam – Gimgum Stuttering……………….……….123

        The “Double Bind” Theory as compared to the “Coercive Choice” Principle  …130

        Comparative Schema of Types of Behavior and Action………………………..135

Chapter Eight: Between Mitnagdic Intellectualism and Hasidic Emotionalism…137

         Kabbalistic Mantrism and Hasidic Mantrism…………………………………..139

                                    Section Three: Seventy Faces of Prayer

Chapter Nine: Jewish Prayer as Coercive Ritual or Midrashic Melody…………151

         Prayer as a Sacrifice or a Gift Offering…………………………………………155

        Custom – between Miqdashic Prayer and Midrashic Prayer……………………158

         Prayer as Theurgic Ritual or Personal Cry………………………………………163

        Mantrism vs. Melody in Hasidism………………………………………………165

        Automatic Speech and Writing………………………………………………….167

        Miqdashic and Midrashic Social Life……………………………………………169

  1. Leibovitchism vs. Carlebachism………………………………………………169

  2. Secularists vs. Ultra-Orthodox………………………………………………..170

  3. Political Correctness and Sciencism…………………………………………..173

Chapter Ten: Amulets and Hypnotic Mantrism…………………………………..176

         Amulets and the Psychology of Names …………………………………………178

         The Mezuzah as a Amuletic Piece of Jewelry…………………………………..180

         Amulets as Hypnotizing Crystal balls…………………………………………..182

         Fetishistic Amuletism……………………………………………………………185

Chapter Eleven: Midrashic Prayer as “Afterprayer”…………………………….188

          Piyyut as Bridging “After-prayer”……………………………………………..191

          Modern-day Poetry as “After prayer”…………………………………………196

          Chutzpa – Creative Audacity in Prayer…………………………………………203

Chapter Twelve: “Noah’s Ark” as a Gap-Bridging Formula (nussah)………….206

          Noah’s Ark – the Tool for Transforming Letters into Melody of Life Notes…207

          Transforming Neshima (Breath) into Neshama (Soul)…………………………217

          Transforming Disease (Mahala) into Compassion Hemla……………………….218

          To Be Parutz (broken open), or Zaruf (welded) and Ratzuf (consistent)………219

          Transforming Echpatiut (caring) into E-kefiut (non-coerciveness)……………222

          Tal’s Marathon Takeoff………………………………………………………..224


שם הספר: The Trance of Terror
מספר עמודים: 236 עמודים
שנת הוצאה: 2006
ISBN/מסת"ב: 965-09-0198-1
מספר קטלוגי: 88608
דילוג לתוכן