ספר טוב – מבית היוצר של  הוצאת ראובן מס

קוראים אותך לספר – כמאה שנות מצויינות – משנת 1927 ועד היום

כרגע באתר 1 ספרים

Striking Kosher Gold

How to do business with Orthodox Jews; A basic knowledge and know-how for establishing productive business interactions with Orthodox Jews around the globe; With color photos
Available also on Amazon, press HERE

About the book

The book Striking Kosher Gold presents the basic knowledge and know-how for establishing productive business interactions with Orthodox Jews around the globe.  To achieve this goal, an overview of the unique religious, cultural, and social aspects of the various Orthodox communities is laid out.

The major Orthodox communities reside in the U.S.A., Israel and Europe, and their business transactions amount to billions of dollars annually.  Contrary to common stereotypes, when it comes to business, these communities do not isolate themselves from the outside world.  Rather, they are open to forming meaningful business relationships that will be profitable for all parties involved.

To succeed in this endeavor, it helps to know the behavioral rules which govern Orthodox daily life.  For example, no business may be conducted on the  Jewish Sabbath and holidays, inter-gender interactions are regulated, and even items  like phones and clothing need to be Kosher.

Familiarization with the lifestyle  of Orthodox Jews might constitute a challenge for outsiders. However, the end benefits and financial rewards of doing business with Orthodox Jews far outweighs the price of struggling to understand them. It is well worth  the effort!


שם הספר: Striking Kosher Gold
מספר עמודים: 176 עמודים
שנת הוצאה: 2022
ISBN/מסת"ב: 978-965-09-0377-0
מספר קטלוגי: 159351
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