ספר טוב – מבית היוצר של  הוצאת ראובן מס

קוראים אותך לספר – כמאה שנות מצויינות – משנת 1927 ועד היום

כרגע באתר 1 ספרים

עיני העדה (החיפוש אחר גן עדן)

חיבורו של איש האלוהים הנביא המקובל הרב יוחנן אלימאן; מהדורה ביקורתית על פי כתב יד פריס – הספריה הלאומית Heb. 270, בהשוואה לעוד שלושה כתבי יד; כולל מבוא, מראי מקומות, הערות ומפתחות, ותקציר באנגלית; בסדרת "כל כתבי הרב יוחנן אלימאן", חלק ג').




[The School of Athens by Raphael (1509–1510)]

Rabbi Yohanan Aleman appeared like a comet in the Italian Renaissance sky of fifteenth and sixteenth century. Born at Firenze 1440 – and went to paradise at Firenze 1540. A descendant of an German family expelled from France, his father married an Aragonese Jewess, and the family came to Italy because of his grandfather's (Rabbi Elijah). He counted among the greatest Kabbalist and Scholars of his age – Translator from Greek, Arabic, Latin, and Hebrew into Italian. Extraordinary man Educated in one of the best university in the world – Firenze, and counted among the platonic circle of Florence, alongside of Count Pico


della Mirandola [1453-1494], Lorenzo Marcello-Piccino [1433-1499], Leonardo di Vinci , [1452-1519].1 Michelangelo [1475-1564] . Còsimo di Giovanni de' Mèdici Governor of Florence and the undisputed control of all of Italy supported the Academy of Florence out of a desire to re-establish the classical Greek heritage – and to make Florence the continuation of ancient Athens. Rabbi Yohanan Aleman also wanted to turn Florence into the

1 as John Addington Symonds speculates. See The Life of Michelangelo, Symonds, J. A., Capricorn Books, 1962, pp. 405-408.


Athens of Italy and revive the manuscripts of classical Greek thinkers, but for a different reason: He knew that the Greeks preserved the knowledge of the ancient Jewish sages, since the Jews of the Athens period did not write the Goths in writing. Through the Italian Renaissance, Rabbi Yochanan Eliman wanted to bring about a renaissance in the Jewish world – and he succeeded above and beyond. Còsimo di Giovanni de' Mèdici made available to him the fleet of merchant ships of Florence in particular and of Italy in general. He located for him ancient manuscripts in the Greek, Latin, Arabic, and Hebrew languages.

Rabbi Yohanan Aleman use the fleet of Italian merchant ships to search for paradise: the national paradise, and for that he also traveled to the island São Miguel. Rabbi Yohanan Aleman earned a doctorate in philosophy [PhD] and a doctorate in medicine [MD] from the University of Florence, and even lectured there to students and lecturers.


Rabbi Yohanan Aleman was He was well versed in Italian, Greek, Latin, Arabic in addition to the Hebrew language. His proficiency in foreign languages enabled him to translate for the governor of Florence the ancient manuscripts in Greek, Latin, and Arabic, and Hebrew – into Italian. Since not all ancient Greek manuscripts survived in the Greek language, it was necessary to look for the languages in which they were preserved – especially in the Arabic language. Còsimo di Giovanni de' Mèdici Governor of Florence He wanted to restore Athens to its greatness through Florence, but Rabbi Yohanan Eliman wanted to restore Judaism to its greatness through the Temple, Or rather the ancient manuscripts from the Temple period.

In 1453 The Turks conquered Constantinople. Many of the Byzantine intellectuals, who feared a life of oppression under Muslim rule, emigrated to Italy. They brought with them previously unknown manuscripts in the West. Còsimo di Giovanni de' Mèdici Encourage their arrival in Florence and their integration into the municipal university. Rabbi Yohanan Aleman had a fruitful dialogue with those Christian scholars in Florence – as well as with the Jews. . In the summer of 1463 Cosimo asked Marcellio Piccino to translate all the untranslated manuscripts of Greek philosophy into Italian, but Marcellio Piccino could not handle this task alone and therefore enlisted the help of Rabbi Yochanan Eliman. The Platonic Academy of Firenze used to meet at the


Villa Medici at Careggi

Among other members of the Platonic Academy of Florence we counted Agnolo (Angelo) Ambrogini [1454-1494] [Poliziano], Cristoforo Landino [1424-1498], Gentile de' Becchi [1420-1497]


Girolamo Benivieni [1453-1542] studied with Rabbi Yohanan Aleman and thus managed to compile a Hebrew-Latin and Latin-Hebrew dictionary.

Thanks to his exposure to thousands of manuscripts, Rabbi Yohanan Eliman collected every bit of information about the lost paradise, and put it together like a jigsaw puzzle in his current book, which aims to "search for paradise". It presents a complete picture of heaven, including stories that survived outside of the Hebrew manuscripts, and stories of sages who were in heaven while alive – such as Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi. Rabbi ajaohanan Aleman was very Jealous of the Hebrew language, so he brings any text in a language other than Hebrew into a Hebrew translation, especially the Book of Zohar in the form of a manuscript that preceded it.And texts from ancient Arabic manuscripts, such as The Brethren of Purity (Arabic: [ إخوا ن الصفا of tenth century Basra [Iraq]

And translates into Hebrew the original Greek manuscripts of Plato and Aristotle. As well as the Arabic manuscripts of Ibn Rushd [ابن رشد ] –


Averroes [1126-1198], Ibn Sina [ابن سينا ] – Avicenna [980-1037], and Alfarabi. [ الفاراب ي ] – Alpharabius [872-951]. Rabbi Yochanan Eliman finds no contradiction between philosophy and the Torah, and also believes that Aristotle and Plato at the end of their days believed in the creation of something out of nothing.

As the reader notices, officially the scholars of Rabbi Yochanan Eliman's friends are Christians only. This is for the simple reason that the Jewish community in Italy refused to support her, and turned to him. An exception was the learned Jewish banker Rabbi Yechiel Nissim of Pisan [1507-1574], and his two sons – Rabbi Shmuel and Rabbi Yitzchak. They are the only Jews who agreed to support Rabbi Yochanan Eliman, who also served as a teacher for the two sons of Rabbi Yechiel Nissim of Pisa.

In Manuscript Laurentian Library, Florence, Italy – folio 7a we read that he Had a debt of 7 Florins for the "The book of intentions".


Rabbi Yochanan Eliman can be described as an eclectic thinker, since he uses a deconstruction [outlined by Professor Jacques Derrida] for the interpretation of the Bible.

He undermines the existing structures of the text, disassembles and reassembles it – and gives it a different meaning, as it was originally.

As extraordinary man and man of many talents he demonstrates in-depth knowledge of medicine – human body structure, zoology – animals and their behavior, alchemy – various metals, and the alchemist's attempts to extract gold from simple metal.

But most important thing – he revile before the reader the most secret of the Kabbalah: the secret of the soul. The soul is imitated by his hands in the cloud, according to what is said in the Bible about Moses: "hen the Lord came down in the cloud and stood there with him and proclaimed his name, the Lord" [Exodus 34:5]. Rabbi Yohanan Eliman Reveals to the reader only a unique Kabbalistic secret tradition: the soul does not descend entirely to this world but only a part. Part of it remains upstairs with the Goddess. This conception served as the basis for the Contraction [Tzimtzum צמצום ] theory of Rabbi Yitzchak Luria Ashkenazi – the Divine. According to the Lurianic Kabbalah to explain Isaac Luria's doctrine that God began the process of creation by "contracting" his Ohr Ein Sof (infinite light) in order to allow for a "conceptual space" in which finite and seemingly independent realms could exist. Rabbi Yohanan Aleman He left his deep mark on Rabbi Yitzchak Luria Ashkenazi – the divine, and on his successors, his cubs [The lion cubs]. [Signature of Rabbi Yitzchak Luria Ashkenazi]

Raphael Kohen

Jerusalem the city of eternity


Original price was: 110$.Current price is: 105$.

הספר אינו במלאי האתר, אך ניתן להזמנה. אנו נעשה את המירב כדי להשיגו עבורכם, לאחר קבלת הזמנתכם. כרטיס האשראי יחוייב רק לאחר משלוח הספר
שם הספר: עיני העדה (החיפוש אחר גן עדן)
שם המחבר: כהן,רפאל (מהדיר)
מספר עמודים: 808 עמודים
שנת הוצאה: 2024
ISBN/מסת"ב: 978-965-7331-22-4
מספר קטלוגי: 163097
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